LEO Satellite Testing
Customizable and realistic simulation solutions to comprehensively validate modern satellite constellations
Simulating LEO in the Lab
Building realistic models of space-based operating environments.
Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites offer vast opportunities in connectivity, communications, and more. These constellations depend on precise positioning, navigation & timing (PNT). Assure your satellites and constellations can perform to the highest standard with market-leading simulation and validation tools.
From high-speed wireless data networks to alternative PNT, LEO constellations are redefining communications technologies. Whether assuring precise time for data transfer, or aiding in precise orbit determination (POD), PNT is a cornerstone technology of this technology race. Getting ahead means ensuring systems enter this challenging environment ready to succeed.
Testing LEO satellite PNT and PNT-dependent systems has unique challenges – with no margin for error. Field testing is largely impractical, which means realistic conditions must be recreated in the lab. From orbital models to signal propagation environments, Doppler shifts, and more, creating a realistic and deterministic LEO test environment requires precise, powerful, and flexible simulation.
Spirent has supported the test and deployment of satellite constellations for 40 years, offering unrivaled performance and groundbreaking innovation to enable each new generation of technology.

State-of-the-Art LEO Testing
LEO testing strategies must align comprehensively with specialized satellite network criteria and meet stringent requirements. These requisites span satellite precision orbit determination and maneuvering, environmental considerations, ultra-high dynamics, new signal modeling, and ground control component development and testing. Testing should incorporate in-band and out-of-band interference, irregular orbits and atmospheric drag, multipath and obscuration, the effects of atmospheric delay, and much more.
Spirent’s industry-leading solutions for testing LEO satellites and constellations include high precision RF simulation – including all current and planned GNSS signals, as well as other signals in the L-band and S-band – and precision orbit modeling through dedicated tools. In PNT X and the GSS7000, Spirent offers the leading test instruments available, powered by intuitive and flexible control software. Spirent draws from decades of GPS/GNSS testing experience, supplementing dedicated test tools with managed solutions, professional services, and consulting services to deliver end-to-end excellence.
Precision LEO Modeling
Realistic LEO Orbits
Expert Services
Spirent PNT Simulation Systems
Case Studies
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