In widespread discussions with financial enterprises about their test labs, we hear several common themes relating to their challenges. Examples include:
Multiple labs/environments are segregated by technology and/or vendor
Siloed labs/environments reside both on customer premises and vendor facilities
Vendors are paid annually for a pool of resources to provide testing services (best effort testing)
Typical lab setup time can be weeks, requiring multiple lab techs
Some labs are kept static to minimize setup efforts, but constrain flexibility
Lab testing runs are several months each, with manual report generation
No integration testing is performed (cross-environment); issues are being found in production that were not tested in the lab due to silos
No integration testing increases production incident risk and costs
Minimal impairment testing is done, and none in an integrated environment
New features typically take 9-12 months to build test plans and perform test execution
Redundancies and duplication exist with multiple tools and processes
Regulatory compliance requirements for financial enterprises
Like most of Spirent’s customers, financial enterprises are being continually pushed to test more complex systems, faster than ever before, while trying to reduce costs and carbon footprint. On top of that, they all face multiple regulatory compliance requirements, many that must be fulfilled multiple times per year. For many, their current state of testing simply can’t keep up. Their unique requirements include:
Timely Compliance
Keep pace with new regulatory and technology requirements, often multiple times per year
Provide technology and expertise to deliver rapid, comprehensive, and cost-effective testing
Ensure in-code compliance to minimize incidents and fortify SLAs
Consumer Duty
Account for customer accessibility, needs, and demands
Foster interaction channels (i.e., socio-economic status, geography, special needs, satisfaction, etc.)
Data Integrity
Confirm SLAs are achievable in the lab under real-world loads
Identify application weaknesses and foster improvements for high performance during periods of high latency
Security Assurance
Fortify controls over the use of data; ensure equivalency of PII data and monetary value
Mitigate risk by identifying vulnerabilities and suggesting code-level remediation
Ensure SWIFT network architecture and web applications facilitate access and enforce procedures for transfers
Drivers for lab and test modernization in financial enterprises
Objectives voiced by a wide range of financial enterprises include the incorporation of automated Infrastructure as Code (IaC) along with these requirements:
In-code compliance
Reduced incidents
Regulatory certification
Lab setup and test savings
ROI analysis
12-24 month payback
Up to 90x productivity gain
Task duration from weeks to hours
Fast feature testing
Cross-department and integration testing
24x7x365 access
Global access
Prime objectives of test lab modernization
To address the drivers above, and to achieve optimal productivity in testing, a test lab modernization solution for financial enterprises should abstract physical, virtual, and hybrid lab resources (that may be geographically dispersed) with systems and processes to provide a “federated lab” with access for each test team. Through their solution interface, each test team should be able to reserve lab resources, build templates to define required test topologies, and trigger the fully automated build of any test topology. Teams should have their own lab in a designated timeslot, which can be rapidly reconfigured at will.
Sample Current State Test Lab (top) and Future State (bottom)
The interface should also provide a centralized development environment. This allows test teams to build automated test suites, and the controls to execute them, with results populated into a centralized reporting engine that tracks testing progress against their plan. Diverse global test teams from different organizations should possess a comprehensive platform to automate the testing in their CI/CD process that is fully compatible with in-house or third-party automation tools.
Learn how Spirent Network and Security Testing for Financial Services solutions can help you realize your testing objectives and requirements in the financial sector.