
Protecting Network Endpoints as Internet of Things (IoT) Growth Soars

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Blog - Protecting Network Endpoints as Internet of Things (IoT) Growth Soars

Security concerns about the IoT (Internet of Things) were already mushrooming, even before everyone started working from home.

Now everything is interconnected—from smartphones, laptops, and wearables to massive webs of industrial sensors to IT systems and clouds. How do you protect all those endpoints—and how do you protect corporate networks against infections they may be carrying?

Just looking at my own home—it’s a case study for the IoT explosion. When we had it remodeled last year, we turned it into a “smart home.” Practically everything in the house can now be activated remotely from a smart phone: lights, temperature, home security system, music, even the coffee maker. It’s convenient, it’s fun, but it also creates new remote-access security issues.

Protecting Endpoints as IoT Growth Soars

Multiply my situation times the millions of other people now working remotely, and all of the devices they’re now putting online, and you’ve got a huge endpoint security challenge. As an example, a friend told me not too long ago that he had over 100 IP addresses in his home alone all connecting to the internet for remote access – Wow!

The same exponential IoT growth is happening within companies. According to Gartner, utilities will be the highest user of IoT endpoints this year, followed by physical security (intrusion detection and indoor surveillance use cases), government, manufacturing and natural resources. Building automation, driven by connected lighting devices, will have the largest growth rate in 2020, followed by automotive and healthcare.


In short, there’s an urgent need for better IoT security and more innovation in protecting endpoints.

In short, there’s an urgent need for better IoT security and more innovation in protecting endpoints. At Spirent, we are responding with a more evolved approach testing and security validation across the Lab and Live networks that include:

  • New endpoint security capabilities that can verify whether representative endpoint devices stop attacks, and which attacks emanating from endpoints can be mitigated by the security architecture. With Spirent’s CyberFlood Data Breach Assessment end-to-end security assessment and reporting brings real-life incidents and observations to protect your network endpoints and help close security gaps.

  • Comprehensive scanning, penetration testing, and monitoring services for IoT deployments from our SecurityLabs teams, building on our 20+ years of IoT experience.

  • New services from our Connected Devices team and Service Assurance and Analytics team help ensure that IoT security doesn’t sacrifice performance and that the user experience is excellent.

Contact a Spirent expert to learn more how to protect your endpoint security.




Manuel Zepeda
Manuel Zepeda


Manuelは、Spirent Communicationsのグローバルセールス&サービス担当エグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジデントであり、グローバルな営業およびサービス部門の運営責任者です。 通信サービス、ITサービス、ソフトウェア産業で合計25年の経験を持ち、事業の急成長、高効率性、利益率の向上、顧客維持などの面で目に見える多くの実績を持ちます。Spirent入社前は、Amdocs and BusinessEdge(現在はEMC Consultingの一部)で、営業、出荷、パートナー提携において責任者を務めました。 変化が速いデジタル産業で企業が成功する上で必要なテクノロジーや事業ニーズにおいて、思想的指導者として幅広く認知されており、サービスプロバイダーのトレンドや、通信、ITおよびデジタルトランスフォーメーション、営業管理、営業のプロの育成などで得られた経験を、定期的にシェアすることで知られています。