
How Corporations Can Take Control by Securing Sensitive Information

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As organizations seek to grow their business, the information they have access to grows as well. Meanwhile, increasing demands around data security put even more importance on having a proactive security solution in place.

Organizations are striving to achieve revenue increases, accelerate digital transformations, and comply with regulatory mandates – all while keeping customer loyalties in check. Achieving all of this is easier said than done. Each of these goals translates into a set of challenges for today’s enterprises.

To name a few, organizations need to deal with:

  • Massive magnitude of data growth

  • New regulations for data privacy

  • Increased security operation complexities

  • Lack of skilled cybersecurity professionals

One of the major ways corporations and businesses seek increased revenue is through innovative growth in their network, connectivity, and computational power to maximize the advantages of latest available applications and solutions. All of this means more and more exponential growth of information, as well as increased consumers of data on the network.

Both end-users and enterprises are demanding and placing high premiums on their data being properly protected. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became enforceable in May of 2018, and privacy laws and regulations around the globe continue to evolve and expand. According to latest surveys, one of the most significant challenges for GDPR compliance is meeting data security requirements, followed by attaining trained staff to enforce an organization’s cybersecurity mandates. It is clear that the regulations and general actions taken by the security communities are intended to improve the overall data privacy of organizations globally. All of this adds more operational complexity, requirement for skilled cybersecurity professionals, and more complex data communication security. One way to combat this endless cycle is cybersecurity assessment solutions that can provide actionable insight in a scalable manner.

One of the most important element of a successful security strategy is getting a handle on the state of enterprise sensitive data, with the security policies in place in relation to them being the other significant component. After all, malicious attackers are mainly after interfering with normal network behavior of the enterprise and/or exfiltrating and extracting data, thereby taking advantage of organization’s sensitive information. This sensitive information can range from organization’s intellectual properties to consumers’ personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, and so forth. A major US carrier recently had a breach with over 40 million subscriber’s personal information stolen. There are security solutions that can be deployed to enforce policies preventing sensitive data to leave or enter the network.

Let's discuss how one solution from Spirent CyberFlood can help in proactive assessment of data leak prevention policies.

CyberFlood CyberThreat Assessment - Sensitive Data

CyberFlood (CF) is emulation-based solution that proactively provides in-depth assessment of network performance, scalability, and cyber security. Its CyberThreat Assessment (CTA) capabilities include real-world attacks, applications, and evasion techniques as well as industry security frameworks with complete logical network topology in lab and sandbox settings. Another one of the categories of threat assessment scenarios provided with this solution is emulation of “Sensitive Data” that may include corporate intellectual properties or end-user private data. This allows organizations to ensure sensitive data does not escape loss prevention policies defined in security solution sensors and filters.

As an example, let’s assume an organization is mandated to audit exfiltration of PDF documents that contain personal information (including social security numbers) transported over HTTP and SMTP. CyberFlood CyberThreat Assessment (CF CTA) can emulate generation of such sensitive data in addition to other valid “Communication” and “Miscellaneous” application traffic to ensure that logging of Data Leak Prevention (DLP) policies is precisely as expected for such an audit.

CyberFlood CyberThreat Assessment Sensitive Data Profiles allows emulation of file transports that are representative of organization’s sensitive data and intellectual properties to ensure proper security policies are in place. Users can use pre-existing templates or upload their own proprietary file sets to assess the accuracy of DLP policies in their networks.

Learn how Spirent CyberFlood CyberThreat Assessment can help in assessing the strength of your organization’s pre-production security posture.




Reza Saadat
Reza Saadat


Reza SaadatはSpirentのアプリケーションおよびセキュリティ グループのシニア テクニカル マーケティング エンジニアであり、コンピューターおよびデータ通信技術において 25 年以上の経験を有しています。Spirentでは製品管理、エンジニアリング、セールスの各チームと協力し、ネットワーク機器メーカー、企業、サービス プロバイダー向けに最先端のアプリケーションおよびセキュリティ テスト ソリューションを市場に投入しています。業界、市場、ソフトウェア開発に関する深い知識と協調的な設計および開発スキルにより、数多くのハードウェアおよびソフトウェア ソリューションを生み出し、IBM Corp、Cisco Systemsなど多くの企業からリリースされています。