
Spirent 5G FR2 Device MIMO OTA Test System Solution Brief

Assess the performance of millimeter wave devices and chipsets in real-world conditions to address design, development, and optimization challenges.

Unlike earlier network technologies, 5G devices contain a high order of multiple antenna elements. As a result, device performance relies not only on baseband algorithms to deal with complicated propagation conditions, but also on the antenna design of the device. Therefore, it is very important to verify the performance of 5G devices with over-the-air (OTA) test methods to ensure the antenna arrays are included in the evaluation.

5G new radio (NR) technologies are divided into two different frequency ranges. The first is Frequency Range 1 (FR1), which includes frequency bands below 7.125GHz, and the other is Frequency Range 2 (FR2), which includes millimeter wave frequency bands from 24.25GHz to 52.56GHz. Millimeter wave propagation differs from traditional signal frequencies that are below 7GHz because the wavelength is very short. A millimeter wave signal can easily be blocked or scattered, providing increased challenges to 5G FR2 device design.

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